All about the exciting (terrifying) world of buying a flat in London and other interesting distractions.

Thoughts, ideas and little bits of inspiration.

Monday, 26 March 2012


Reasons for feeling smug this weekend:
  • I  made macarons for the first time. Just because I felt like making something new. And they were amazing. From now on I have no fear of the tiny delicate treat that is the macaron. You can expect a rainbow of almondy treats in the months to come.I will take pictures next time.
  • I went to church! I didn't even complain about it (too much) - because our wedding Banns were being read for the first time. Then, when another couple, who were clearly there for the same reason, arrived late and spent the whole hour looking uncomfortable, I got to feel smug for having dragged myself out of bed to be there on time. If the big guy is really up there surely this warrants some brownie points or wedding karma or something?
  • I made my own Kindle case/cover. After shelling out a load of money for the Kindle itself I had been carrying it around in a small padded envelope. Now I have a custom made cover that cost me about 20 pence worth of elastic and a piece of left over fabric from making our curtains. 

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Sorry sorry sorry

Forgive me for such a ridiculously long pause in posting. One or 2 things have happened (or about to happen) since my last post...

We got engaged in April last year - The big day is now fast approaching...

I hope for normal blog posting to resume shortly!

Also news of a little recipe blog project I am working on on behalf of the cooking obsessed inhabitants of Nunhead!