All about the exciting (terrifying) world of buying a flat in London and other interesting distractions.

Thoughts, ideas and little bits of inspiration.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Baking smugness

I have been told there are few things as satisfying as making your own bread. But lets face it, I just don't generally have the patience for waiting for the dough to rise twice over etc. If I'm baking, it is generally because I want either a) instant gratification b) a cake fix or c) praise

Past bread making attempts have been of mixed success. Largely due to impatience (see above). So it was with a little trepidation that I decided to try and make Hot Cross Buns on Sunday. I followed the recipe (unusual for me) and really made myself wait long enough to let the dough really double in size.

Behold the pay off:

So they aren't entirely uniform, but the perfectionist in me completely overcame this on eating one. They are awesome. James Martin I love you.

The biscuits in the tin are Easter Biscuits, made to my Mum's recipe and as authentic as could be.

Et voilà! A haul of seasonal baked goods. The boy was very happy indeed. 

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

I heart Little Green Notebook

I love Little Green Notebook at the best of times, but a whole post on book shelves - AMAZING. 

I'm aiming for a similar look to this one (M designs via Dolce Vita, via LGN)

- like this but with the chimney breast instead of the middle stack. And maybe not that colour, but you get the general idea. A mix of books and objects and pictures.

The paint colour samples are sitting patiently in the living room. We are waiting till Friday to get them on the walls.  Friday is completion day and the flat officially becomes ours at last. About time.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Tea? - Always.

I rarely refuse a cup of tea. It is even rarer that the boy refuses one. Memories from University days long past, in the post night before mornings, when there was not a clean mug to be found in the house, of making his cup of tea in a pint size Pirex measuring jug... yes the whole jug.

This billboard in Shoreditch never fails to make me smile. I always agree with it.

On Saturday I spotted this lamp which I had never noticed before, over the bar at one of my favourite ladies lunch spots in Bermondsey. It made me want tea. In pretty cups.

On Sunday I finally caved in to my urgent need for Scrabble Mugs. I only bought 2, but I fully intend to eventually have 6 at least, since you can't play scrabble with just 2 letters. I did actually need them, since up until now in our house you could either have tea in a tiny thimble of a mug or a huge (stolen borrowed acquired) Starbucks mug. Not that I need to justify myself... okay they are not exactly cheap... but I love them.